


Satisfied enough, I am.

How are you? Did you skip any meals? How are your sickness, allergies, etc? What's new?

Probably these questions've been running around my mind, wondering about your silly life. And silly me if I say I'd be thinking of you but nah, just tonight, I thought of you.

I didn't expect to see you around but I did. And I didn't expect you showed up with someone else. Someone that I know too. I should have known though you've been talking about her for more than one and I thought it was nothing. But, no one knows deep inside your heart.

I'm not mad nor sad but if only I see a clearer version earlier, it'd be better haha. But, God is good. May He grant us more understanding and protects us always.

And, am not trying to be mean or worst, I just wish you'd move as soon as possible. I can't control people but I wish I could. But hey, that's what happened when you break up in the same town. You gotta move or move on.

Stay healthy, protect your loved ones from any harm :D

Keep being strong. Becaue you'll be weaker when you are sad. I used to be like that but nu-uh, not anymore. So, I guess - never be sad if you had to leave someone who doesn't appreciate you.


Allah Maha Pengasih

Baru baru ni aku rajin sembang dengan orang yang kita panggil, berilmu. Kerja nak share ilmu dia je, bagus la. Tak kedekut ilmu.
Bukan nak kata yang lain tak berilmu, cuma ala kadar dan itu pun cukup baiknya.

Aku ada bercerita tentang aku-
I want to pause everything because I feel like I have to fix my relationship with The Creator. So I did. Susah jugak la, because I've been used to do things that shouldn't do, things that The Almighty would be mad. Tu semua hasutan Syaitan, dan iman aku memang lemah.

Dan sekarang aku sedar banyak benda yang aku masih tak tahu, dah la banyak, rasa macam terlambat pun ada. Tapi, Dia lagi mengetahui perangai aku. Kata orang yang berilmu tu pula, aku dihantar sekolah yang kita panggil terdedah dengan pelbagai. Jadi, aku mungkin terikut dengan perangai yang tak baik, mungkin terbawa bawa sampai aku sedar sekarang. Dan bila aku terdetik hati nak ubah, mungkin jalan untuk aku lebih senang. Katanya la. Sesungguhnya kot mana pun, Allah lagi tahu.

Kata orang berilmu tu lagi, orang orang yang dibesarkan di dalam sekolah yang tidak terdedah langsung dgn pelbagai, dorang takkan ada nafsu nak cuba benda benda yang tak patot. Jadi, bila dah tiba masa untuk dorang langkah ke College ke University ke, iman dorang terganggu. Banyak hasutan syaitan. Dan sebabtu ada je orang yang dulu kita kenal baik orangnya, bila besar, jadi sebaliknya.  May Allah protects us all.

Jangan berhenti cari ilmu. Ilmu takkan berjalan dekat kita sendiri je, kita yang mencari ok?

But remember, in your life, you've given a choice for yourself. Either you choose for the best, or the worst, you will need to choose one. Though the best or worst has its own reward, you'll have to make a choice.

Dan sebenarnya yang penting, Allah Maha Pengasih. Dia sayang dekat kita, minta minta lah doa supaya selalu dilindung olehNya. Jangan biar orang lain doa untuk kita je, usaha sendiri pun penting. I believe everyone has its own time to change, we could only pray and sabr.

Yang baik datang dari Allah, yang buruk datang dari saya sendiri. Forgive me.


The escalator skirt


To girls, pernah tak korang pakai long skirt? Lepastu, kembang kembang haha.

I wore that yesterday and it got stucked into the escalator. I pulled, it didn't get off. Nasib baik, ada hamba Allah ni yang kuat. Yela, kerja dekat fitness dulu. Mana tak naik muscle dia ye dok?

He pulled my skirt with one try and yay, Alhamdulillah syukur skirt tak koyak! Hehe

Feeling embarrassed but, benda nak jadi~


Cuba tanya, pernah tak disoal macam ni?

Bila seorang perempuan diberi hidayah untuk menutup aurat sepenuhnya, pernah tak dia diuji cabaran? Cuba tanya dia.

Ada seorang hamba tanya dia-
Awak ni pakai macam ni teringin jadi ustazah ke?

Kedua, awak tak nak ke tunjuk aurat tu sikit, nampak la cantik lagi.

Pernah tak sesiapa diuji macam ni? Saya.

Jangan la salah faham, jangan la tak tahu ilmu agama langsung. Malu dekat diri sendiri.

Dan bila pakai full set hitam, orang tanya
"Awak ni pengikut Syiah ye?"

Atau, "Nak pergi berkabung ke?"

Bila pakai full set putih pula, ada yang tanya
"Ada kebumian nak kena pergi ke?"

Atau, "teringin jadi bidadari ye?"

Hidup. Penuh dengan orang yang tak mengerti. Yang malas cari ilmu. Carilah wahai rakan, masa takkan berhenti. Masa kekal berjalan. Jangan bila kita tua, baru menyesal.

Maklumlah, tanda tanda akhir zaman meningkat, aku nasihat kepada korang untuk sedar lah kesilapan kita dan muhasabah la diri. Also, be prepared because you can die in just a minute.

Bagi aku soalan soalan tadi agak sensitive tapi bila aku sedar mereka sebenarnya tak berilmu, aku jadi lebih semangat. Maaf, tapi cubalah belajar. Ilmu harus dicari, bukan dia datang bila bila.

Mudah mudahan kalian diberi hidayah dan pertunjuk oleh Allah. May He guide you to His path and may He forgive our wrong doings.

Dan marilah kita sama sama doakan bagi Allah buka pintu hati kita, memilih kita untuk ke jalan benar dan supaya kita diberi hidayah oleh Allah.

Naik tangga slow slow, yang penting jangan putus asa mencari ilmu.

Islam tu mudah, diri je yang menyusahkan. Whats good come from Himself, whats bad come from ourselves.

Soalan soalan ni tidak dituju pada sesiapa yang make joke of it. The ones who asked me curiousity are the ones who should know.


A dream can be beautiful, a dream can be ugly.


Syukur for a very good morning I had today with my family. Syukur, I feel loved by the Almighty, and my family.

But my dream was in between.

Pernah tak korang ada banyak masalah, more than 1 to be exact. Haha, 2 pun cukup. Then, korang sedih and feeling down sebab there wasn't any clue to settle down and to overcome your sadness.

You tried so hard to think the solution, but nah. Doa je senjata, harapan untuk diberi petunjuk.

So you slept at night feeling sad, tears everywhere. Sekali dalam mimpi, your problems are settled down. There was a way for it, given by the Almighty. It's like the Almighty is trying to give you a message. It feels like He was there for me, when I was sad and in trouble. But knowing HE is there for you, happy tak?

I had a dream my problems are gone, things between people are back to normal, me feeling loved by many. It's so good to be dreaming something like that sometimes. At least you have something to smile rather than not.

Bangun bangun, realised that tu semua hanya mimpi.. jadi, tak tahu mimpi tadi tu petunjuk untuk cara selesaikan masalah or, petunjuk supaya untuk bersabar and only depend on HIM sebab things will be back to normal one day, InsyaAllah.

May Allah bless us all and grant us more understanding. And may He guide me to Jannah.

Benda tak elok, jangan simpan jadi kenangan terindah

Two days ago, asked a boy if we'd be normal. Oh there he goes, saying yeah sure. Making everything sounds so fine haha.

This morning, terus nak lupa everything. What do you want exactly, kerja main main je.

But, syukur Alhamdulillah, kita lupakan benda ni, sebab benda ni pun benda buruk. Tuhan tak suka dikekalkan benda ni, jadi terbaiklah untuk lupa.

Tak sempat cakap formal goodbye, but doa sentiasa lindung.

Salam petang, yuuhuu.


Wind is personality

Each and everyone of us have our own wind and by wind, it could be translated as personality.

There are too many types of wind like how there are too many types of people. And each of us have different wind, different personality and different needs.

Sometimes or most of the times, our wind is so much different than the person we adore, love and care. Like our family. We have different personality traits, wind and needs. But we cannot cut our family ties, can we? So we accept and do whatever we can for us to get along beautifully.

How about friends? How about them who we have been friends since we were very young, but because of one of our wind is different, we break our friendship. And for all we know, we'd never speak any word to each other anymore.

I feel sad. I had to lose a friend because of our different wind. If only, both of us try hard and do whatever we can to get along, it will be perfect. It'll be the most beautiful friendship I've ever had.

My friend and I have gone through our moments, our ups and downs. But because of only one of our different needs, we prefer to break our friendship off than to work our friendship out. And now? When I say Hi, it feels different and unhappy. I wish none of these had happened before. It's sad.




Glad I'm travelling alone and now staying in a hotel safely. Good things happened along the way. Syukur.

Have a great day people. Don't let our soul sad and fall to the bottom, even if you have no one by your side. You'll be strong eventually, trust me 😃

Forget about your regrettable past life though you think you were happier. But hey! You're happy doing things Allah's never allow. You're not sad, you are just unused to this kind of feeling bcs you used to feel happy of things that we are not allowed to do.

You have a long journey, so just walk and enjoy every tiny bits of things happened in between. Don't look back just to take what you think it's yours. If it's truly yours, it'll come back to you in no time, insyaAllah.

I'm feeling motivated here haha. Be positive because you are one.


Different way

Tak pernah harap akan jadi macan ni. Tak pernag bayang pun.

But things have to go their way. Both of us have different ways and we seemed too hard to get along. i'm sorry but I've tried. I'm sorry i gave up.

Just so you know, I'm here to support you always. And willing to help you when you're in trouble.

May Allah protects us and reward our ways with good things. And may He always showers you with love and care.

Salam from me! Stay well, and healthy.


Complicated and sad

Who would've thought everything comes to an end?
The world don't always please you and sometimes, you have to listen more than you can only think. And for the excellent result, I think one doesn't have to be selfish. Think about others feelings, think about their life and ask yourself "Am I doing it right to be treating someone like this?" And ask yourself again "How does it feel if I was the victim to be treated like that?" And my question to you, Do you like making people confuse and sad? Do you wish to feel that way?
For almost 5 months, I tried to change myself to get used to people's attitude. I tried to accept their goods and bads, their understanding and misunderstanding moments. But, I get tired when I've always failed since Day 1. I realised I'm living only to please you without I feel the happiness in it. And you? You don't realised how hard for me to walk.
It's so complicated and sad how I had to blame you.
I spent the night thinking about this matter. In the end, there's only myself that could understand me. You whom I thought would feel my pain, weren't here beside me. Instead, you let everything hurt me. You would only think of what comes in your way, not mine, not us. You are just being selfish, but why couldn't I accept that anymore? Is it because I always feel sad and confuse? Is it because I don't feel happy to be treated by you? Sakit.
I did my part to tell you how I felt, did talk to you about this and you were always fine when we discussed. As if, you sounded you're wrong and you're sorry. But as day passes by, you don't change because you cannot.
And since both of us just couldn't accept, it's better to be this way. Alhamdulillah for we always talk when one of us in trouble. Alhamdulillah for you depend a part of your life on me.
So far, mesti korang tahu who am I talking. Yes, him. It's not the end, it sounded like it is.
Salam sayang, me.


Sarcastic? Respect? Whaaat?!


I am currently working on a part time job as an educator. Clearly, like a preschool teacher. On the first month of the year, my work place decided to have a promotion or shout out about the place. So, one of the way was distributing flyers.

Besides distribute flyers, there was one way where we put a short note about this work place inside every newspapers. And that wasn't my job to do that.

I was in charge on distributing flyers with a friend of mine.  On the day we distribute the flyers to primary students' parents, half of them accepted with their clean and open heart. Well the other half was just being plain rude. They disrespect me and look down on me. How sad was I?

One, when I gave the flyers to a parent. She  asked me "Kumon eh?" I said, "yes, please take one" then, rudely she said, "AH TAKNAK" while screaming. I mean, I'm not stating that I hate that woman. She was rude so I felt hurt and shocked for I had to see that kind of person in my life. More over, we have physically 3 common things. We have the same gender, religion and race. 

Either you are older than me or younger than me, we have to respect each other. As far as I lived, I've learned we should respect each other and I don't think I have ever disrespect a soul. I'm sorry if I ever did. Please, take a note and realise we are humans, we breathe the same air. You dont buy this world for yourself, do you?

After that pain and hurt incident, I decided not to face any parents. It was my first time and I really don't have enough courage. Later, after short thinking, I placed those flyers on cars' windscreens. I'm sure everyone would take off the flyers and check them out! Only a few the flyers were given to the drivers.

Second, most of the parents asked us to give the flyers to the children instead of the parents. Yes, it was a brilliant idea indeed but we have tried that way before and it didn't work for us. Almost all of the children kept the flyers and didn't bother to share with their parents. The worst one was some of them even threw the flyers away.

Ish, selama ni I read few flyers given to me selamba je. Tak baca betul betul. Sekali baca, bila tak minat, buang. Bila minat pun, simpan je dalam bag and tak pernah bawak keluar. Bila teringat, rasa malas pula nak bagi muka dekat flyers tu. Haih, Allah memang bayar cash. Now its my turn to give out flyers. I think the person who always distribute flyers either about education, cars or anything would understand my situation haha. 

Today, on my way back home from work, I walked. I saw that woman again in the car, she was at the guard house entering my neighbourhood. I smiled to her because she was staring at me. I didn't recognise her at first, thought she was a neighbour somewhere so that makes her stare at me as if she knew me. 

Still, I walked and walked. She stopped her car by the road, was sending her passengers off. Those passengers were basically students. So, I think she worked as a transporter. And then, our distance between each other getting nearer and nearer, it just felt so uncomfortable. 

Then, she smiled and politely asked "Tinggal sini ke adik?" "Yeah, dekat depan tu je", I answered cheerfully. I mean, everyone knows I am that happy-go-lucky kind of lady hahaha. Then she asked "Kerja dekat Kumon lagi eh? Tak hantar flyers dah ke?" I was offended by the was she asked. I'm not sure if she asked sarcastically or not but she sounded she wasn't. So I simply answered "Dah habis dah haritu, so tak hantar flyers dah" 

She smiled and said "Oh ye ke. Goodluck eh, pergi dulu" In this case, I said to myself, I think she's trying to be nice again. I mean,  maybe she has realised what she did so she was being nice and acts everything cool. It's amazing how people changed. Haha, I mean I shouldn't think she's going to be a bad woman forever. At least she tried being nice and I just have to pray for good things happen to/between us. Kan? InsyaAllah.

Till next time, I'm sorry.


Miss Kuah

My amazing account tuition teacher, Miss Kuah.  
Masa zaman Form 4, someone told me about Puan Bee Tin Kuah , the accounting tuition teacher near my house. Susah jugak la nak cari number dia and finally I got it from a friend of mom. I can't really remember who, but I owe that friend a big time.
So I think the beginning of 5-6 months of Form 4 year, I was, you can call me a nerd student. I would go to her tuition every week. Lama lama, I skipped. I had my reasons though. School extra stuffs, family stuffs and important events. It weren't really excuses, true things just happened on the tuition day lol. 
Then during form 4 tu, memang my performance in accounts were great la haha. Of course, I'm proud. I felt I did the best after PMR life. Tapi, bila masuk Form 5, I got lazier. I skipped Puan Kuah's tuition too many times using the same old reasons. But with love, she has always texted me and reminded me about tuition and account.
Dalam jahat jahat, she see me as an A in account student. I used to say she might be wrong because I was really a lazy bum. I pun tak tahu dari sudut mana she see the A in me.
After SPM ACC day, I cried because it was so hard. I literally skipped 1-2 questions because I got no time. But sempat la buat basic format. I was too focusing on hard questions. That day, I told my school teacher, "Sorry, I dont think I can give you an A credit" I was upset and I was thinking if only I wasn't a lazy bum. If only I did better with best confidence.
Masa result day, tears of joy when my Acc is A!! Big thanks to Puan Kuah and my school teacher though. Puan Kuah kept on saying she didn't teach me enough, she only helped me a little. While i say, she made me understand everything and I thank you for that. And also, from the help of my family who have given me so many supports and prayers.
Today, I went to visit her at her place. It felt good to see her again, I felt like a student again haha. I gave her a copy of my SPM slip, highlighted the Acc part ONLY. Few make-up stuff and a pic of me during my graduation. Now, I heard she has framed my pic on her wall 
I saw tears in her eyes while I was visiting. I hope she's proud of me in every ways. I'm just glad and sorry not sorry, my after-SPM stories have not yet come to an end. There'll be more! >:)


7th March

Exactly two years ago, this date, 7th March  2013, a pretty boy surprised me in class and asked me whether I liked him or not. This year, he more likely surprised me with this piece of beauty! I appreciate it so much, thank you :)  I wanted this purse since the first day it published, I told him if only I have money to buy this and yay! I finally got it. 

I don't collect purse. Before I had this purse, I used a Celine purse that Mom bought for me as my 14th Birthday gift. Also, I had a  Coach purse given by Mom way before my 14th birthday. Absolutely beautiful and it still has it's beauty.  And I haven't changed my purse ever since, just between those two. There'll be time I used for travel, there'll be time I used for shopping and everyday use. There was once, I changed every 6 months... Haha. 

Story about my purse:
I lied. I didn't tell him I wanted this exactly purse of course! Psst, why would I? :P I told him I needed/wanted a purse with phone holder inside. There was a few of my choices beside Fossil, but I don't have enough money to buy and I was just planning to buy one. I was in deeply serious on collecting my own money to buy my own purse, ok. Then  two months back, he asked me to pick a design! So I picked something more like childish-cute-silly yet feminine like design. He disagree, and suggested me with a design like the above picture. Based on the design he sent through whatsapp, it looked pretty ugly and I said NO. I don't want that ugly design! Also, I asked him if I could buy something from another Brand, he said NO. Just, Fossil. I think Fossil has got to be his favourite shop...

  And now, he's surprised me with the purse I wanted with the design he wanted and it looks prettier in life! I swear it is so pretty inside and out. Sorry, no picture taken from the inside purse. Haha. I couldn't be more happier :)

  Thank you for this gift. I wish you had never make a mistake like how you did last year. Things were rough between us that time, eh? Haih. May Allah protects us always and bless us ok! Bye



4 years old student's pet dog died, named Pitcha. It's a male.

She took English and ada flashcard gambar dog. I asked her "Do you have a dog?" She said "Yes, Maya and Pitcha. But Pitcha died, he went to Heaven. I think God called him to come back home. Pitcha needs to be with God"

Amazing. Then I asked "Are you sure that God called him home?" She said "yes, very sure. Heaven is the best place although I haven't been there but I know one day I will. God needs me too but not now. Maybe soon. Now I just want to prepare everything and learn everything so I can tell God in Heaven."

Topic dah tutup. 5 minit kemudian she sambung "If you don't know this, let me tell you. One day, God will call you and you have to be there for Him. He is all alone in Heaven, He needs more friends. Teacher Hani has to prepare good things and be there for God. In Heaven, they provide so many things better than Earth!"

Speechless lah.
I asked her "Are you sad Pitcha is gone?" She said "yes I was for a moment. Then I realised, I have Mummy, Daddy, Maya and many more. God is alone. It is better for Pitcha to stay beside God than me"

Oh satu lagi. I did ask her "What do you mean by God called Pitcha home?" She said "Well our home was originally placed only God knows, we only shift to the Earth and we only borrow things from the Earth. We have to give back to God one day  because everything belongs to Him, including my heart"



Fly into the book, our high school love story.

I can't lie and I don't want to. I admit I have a crush on the same silly guy I liked ever since we were Form 1. Haha

Anyways, we've finally in the year of 2015 which make us 18 years old this year. Obviously, we would be thinking of college life, which university to apply and so forth. It upsets me a little how time flies and we couldn't talk as much as we did few years back! Life goes on.

I know this sounds pathetic in many ways. But I  like to be given informations about a person I like. Where he goes, what is he doing and who he is meeting. Not every single day I would ask for information. Maybe, once a week. But yeah, it is always better if i have known his schedule time..right? But that just doesn't give him some space for himself.

College life is starting. Very soon, i'm scared of our different times and our lack of social. I wouldn't say im overthinking over this but if only I can know the answer before I even question about it. Haih.

Well actually, I know we could have our time and spend together but.... Ok bye.


2A+ 1A, 4B+ 1B, 1C+

Keputusan SPM 2014, sayalah calon SPM 2014.

Alhamdulillah, time has passed. Ingat lagi tak I was being emotional thinking of my result. Wondering if I did good or bad. Haha benda tu semua paid off after I scored.

3As? I am so happy and proud of it. Don't follow me but I never target for straight As. 3As were my minimum target just because I need 3 Credits for my college course. Lepas ni juniors, target banyak As and study well.

5Bs? Ni bangga jugak sebab never really score for these subjects. Except: Maths and Ekonomi. Drop a little for these subjects but that's alright. I really proud  that I did the best.

1C+?!!! Ni sakit hati sikit aa, ada ke my English C?! Haih, bukan nak blame anything but I admit I did my literature quite bad. Time buat tu, I said to myself "I gave up on this section" dosa la tu. Haha shouldn't have give up. So lesson learned. Never give up.

Maths, Accounts and English have always been my favourite subjects. Out of these 3, only 1 I got A which is Accounts.

Funny when subjects you didn't expect to get an A, you dapat. Like my accounts and perdagangan. Ingat lagi, I cried after I did those papers. Sebab susah sangat. I skipped quite alot of questions yet I scored A for both. Syukur, Allah sangat hebat.

My plans after this? Relax, tunggu abang balik from his university. Lepak lepak dengan dia sampai puas. Travel satu dunia, lepastu baru fikir college and that would be around next year, 2016.

My college course? I loved kids, babies. I enjoyed being with them, enjoyed guiding them and develoo their minds. So like I said earlier, I want to take Early Childhood Development course in my college. satu je masalah sekarang. Do you guys have any suggestions for my college? The best one, the nearest to my house cause I never want to leave this house hahaha.
