


A dream can be beautiful, a dream can be ugly.


Syukur for a very good morning I had today with my family. Syukur, I feel loved by the Almighty, and my family.

But my dream was in between.

Pernah tak korang ada banyak masalah, more than 1 to be exact. Haha, 2 pun cukup. Then, korang sedih and feeling down sebab there wasn't any clue to settle down and to overcome your sadness.

You tried so hard to think the solution, but nah. Doa je senjata, harapan untuk diberi petunjuk.

So you slept at night feeling sad, tears everywhere. Sekali dalam mimpi, your problems are settled down. There was a way for it, given by the Almighty. It's like the Almighty is trying to give you a message. It feels like He was there for me, when I was sad and in trouble. But knowing HE is there for you, happy tak?

I had a dream my problems are gone, things between people are back to normal, me feeling loved by many. It's so good to be dreaming something like that sometimes. At least you have something to smile rather than not.

Bangun bangun, realised that tu semua hanya mimpi.. jadi, tak tahu mimpi tadi tu petunjuk untuk cara selesaikan masalah or, petunjuk supaya untuk bersabar and only depend on HIM sebab things will be back to normal one day, InsyaAllah.

May Allah bless us all and grant us more understanding. And may He guide me to Jannah.

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