


The night of Decree.

It's the last week of Ramadhan. I'm excited for Raya but honestly feeling sad leaving Ramadhan. It has been so beautiful. Selalu kita dengar orang asyik cakap bulan puasa bukan didik kita lebih baik dan sebagainya. Betul.
It taught me how to be more patience, how to tolerate with people yang ada opposite attitude and how to stand up for my right. Terkejut kot bila tahu I can do this. But oh well, memang kalau hati dah tetapkan ikhlas kepada Allah, semua kerja baik berjalan lancar. InsyaAllah.
Tapi sedih jugak sebab azam bulan Ramadhan tahun ni, nak khatam Al Quran. Tengok tengok tak sempat. Tak sampai 15 Juzud baca. SubhanAllah, is it because I was only giving my full attention on working? Terkilan rasa. InsyaAllah, tahun depan kita jumpa lagi ok Ramadhan.
[QS Al Qadr {97}:1-3] Indeed, we sent the Quran down during the night of Decree. And what can make you know what is the night of Decree? The night of Decree is better than a thousand months.
Salam Ramadhan, semoga kita jadi lebih baik for Allah. Amin.