


Last day of High School

  Today, 30th October 2014 is the last day of my high school. Well, before SPM starts in 3 more days. Ha let's not talk about SPM for this entry.
  I have a lot of memories in this school for the past 5 years, really. Let me make it short;
-> Form 1. 
     This was 2010. I haven't wear tudung yet this time. I had short maggie-looking hair and I've been called Maggie as my middle name. Honestly, it hurts me before and I used to be so sad about my hair as it wasn't nice, at all! haha but as time passes by, I like my hair and also, that Maggie name. This year, my classmates were Syahira, Haaziq, Izwan and many more but the ones I was close in class were them. We did stupid things together, though. We got ourselves our silly nicknames - hehe like Ayam, Kuda and I'm not sure what was Izwan's nickname but I'm sure he had one! We all had one. This year too, we had Fourian Fare Carnival. Fare/Fair?.. Every classes needed to sell something either food, drinks or even games. My class was to sell food and a few Hand Craft stuffs. 2010's Fourian Fare was held on a Saturday. So, 5 days before our carnival, Syahira, Haaziq and Izwan skipped school and came over to my house. They were helping me to bake my muffins that we were going to sell on carnival day! Yes, I was known because of my muffins - Vanilla, Chocolate & Mix. This year too, I met my best friend for the first time. She's Syahira :) As for Haaziq, we knew each other since Primary School but we didn't really talk back then. We only knew through our name. Alhamdulillah for being Haaziq's classmate during Form 1 and we became close. Closest, indeed. 
--> Form 2.
      Heh, I don't have much memories about my form 2 life. I didn't really enjoy it. Oh! But this year on my birthday, I started to wear tudung. Haaziq & Izwan were not the same class with me anymore. But, I met a new buddy. Her name is, Dania. She's now one of my friends that I can rely on, most of the time la - :b Then, we made friends with Thaneswar, Jason Ooi and Raymond. We were all like a gang la. We made noise, we played Ceper (Penutup Botol) Haih, I don't really remember my Form 2 school life.  But let see... I remember going to school 2 hours earlier because Haaziq & I went to Brumbys for brunch. I remember Haaziq bought Subway for me, Syahira and Jason Ooi. 
--> Form 3.
       Ha, this is the best year of all years! :) Haaziq, Syahira, Dania, Harvin, Jason and Thanes were my classmates. I like this year because it was fun through out the year. Hm, nothing can describe my form 3 life, I guess. We played around most of the time and when we sat for our PMR, semua gelabah. But, we were all just kids enjoying life thinking PMR was just a test. 
--> Form 4.
       A beginning to a new chapter of school life as most of my friends got separate from me and got to different classes based on their stream. Like me, I chose Arts Stream. I took Accounts, Perdagangan and Ekonomi. Also this year, I don't know any of my classmates. I used to hate everyone of them. Mostly, Imran. Don't ask me why. Since I didn't know my classmates, I was a nerd. I sat in front, studied real hard and did well on most of my studies. This year was a serious year though and sad. But after about 7 months, I started to get to know my classmates During recess, I still got to be with Syahira and Dania. And Haaziq accompany me going back home.
--> Form 5.
      Today. A little tired yet worth it kind of life. Though I find it boring to go to school for a long time but I think I'm not ready to face a new world. I'm not ready to take SPM too. A lot of things happened this year. Sad, happy. Good, bad. A lot of things my friends and I went through together. As for my classmates, I now love everyone equally. I don't hate Imran anymore too. In fact, he helped me with a lot of stuff. Thank you. As for my other friends, they think I've changed. Maybe yes. I can't tell whether it's good or bad myself but you judge. This week since it was like the last days, I kind of break a few rules. Few silly and light rules. Like, skipped classes, lied to teacher that I didn't come but actually I did but I went to the library the whole day, used the boys' stairs and a few more. I'm going to miss SMK USJ 4. I'm going to miss the environment, the weird people, the angry yet loving teachers. Now that I have to realised SPM is here that lead to my future. Please, I'm hoping for at least 5As and above. Amin.
  Today I went to apologize to most of the teachers that were there. Some went home early so I couldn't meet them. Today too, I went to apologize to most of friends. Cry, sad, tears everywhere but today was really a productive day and I would do anything to turn back this day. Time to hit the books, bye bye. 


Entry kosong

Assalamualaikum para-para pembaca, eh? Hi.

Aku bukan nak share apa ke benda sangat tapi sekarang waktu aku berehat dari belajar. Kemon lah, SPM kot. Takkan tak belajar? Tapi aku tak ada la belajar macam budak budak genius ni. Aku kan average, kalau dapat 5A pun dah bersyukur ibarat budak class pertama dapat straight As. Hehe, tapi betul. Fakta tu tentang diri aku. Hahaha

Bila fikir balik, sebenarnya kan aku banyak kali diperli oleh kawan kawan. "Belajar la, asyik online je." "Tak ingin A ke?" "Amboi relaxnya kau bila SPM nak dekat" Hmph, sakitnya lah hati bila diperli macam gitu. Tapi kalau mulut orang dah macam tu, kita sabar je la kan ._.

Mesti ramai yang tengah bersungguh-sungguh belajar sampai berazam taknak tidur sampai esok pagi. Kalau boleh, nak berjaga je sampai SPM habis kan? Hahaha - tapi tak boleh jugak. Kita kena relax, bertenang menghadapi semua ni. Kalau tak tidur kang, buat penat otak pulak. Bukan setakat mata jadi macam panda tau.

Kalau korang semua tanya aku, aku tak ready sangat la untuk SPM ni. Bukan apa, aku jadi risau tak dapat jawab. Cuak di situ. Satu lagi, aku bukan boleh terima lagi yang aku akan tinggalkan zaman sekolah aku dah haha haih. Sedih la, lagi lagi aku selama ni baik, tak buat jahat lagi dekat sekolah. Teringin nak langgar peraturan sementara ada beberapa hari berada di sekolah kan - Hehe.

Nak tambahkan lagi cerita, aku tak bukak lagi subjek Perdagangan & Science. Kalau boleh nak drop dah dari awal tapi ramai cikgu cakap aku boleh dan aku tak boleh putus asa tapi aku rasa aku kenal diri aku. Aku memang rasa aku tak boleh nak jawab. Takot juga kalau Fail... Malu.

Ok dah, jumpa next entry. Salam


Stressed-up feeling

Assalamualaikum, hi.

  A few more days to SPM. Yeah, SPM. A bit shocking, eh? Well, I'm going to take it easy. Not because I don't care. I do care. But, the more I think about SPM, the more stressed up I am. I don't like to see myself stressed up & unhappy. The fact SPM scares my friends and they are facing it with stressed-up-feeling, I feel pity. I'm not indirecting someone though. I'm here to speak out what my mind is speaking. Also, this happen to be my blog, isn't it?
  9 more days to SPM, they expect me to stay and sleep with my books for 24 hours a day. Come on, where's the fun? Ha ha. I'm not smart, I consider myself an average or you consider myself as stupid. I once see myself getting below 4As for SPM. I hope it's not going to happen but then again, I keep my faith in my one and only life savior, Allah. 
  If you ask me, I do study. I do try my best to stuffed up every little things I read into my brain and I too, believe in Allah. Let's say about my dream getting only 4As or below, and if that really happened, what can I do? If my sustenance is that, can I change? If I can, I would change for the better but who am I to fight Allah's choice?
  So, here I am trying to explain to those who throw their stress to me. I don't chase for straight As as I think my personality doesn't require a straight As. But, I chase for my dream. And I do trying hard to chase it. As hard as I can, as hard as you think.

My dream / my ambition is to open a nursery for children. If I am qualified enough, I would open an old folks' home and look after them old folks. I enjoy listen to grandfathers' stories. As for children, I enjoy teaching them basics and play silly games with them. That's kind of job I want to do. As for qualification, the college wanted me to score 4-5 credits. InsyaAllah I will. Please, pray for me. I'm begging you to forgive me for every smallest to the biggest mistakes I've ever done to you. I wouldn't want to ask for more, I just want to score and with the results I have, I would like to continue my dream. 
  Thank you. 


Shepherd Pie

Assalamualaikum, Hi. Ada orang tanya recipe Shepherd Pie. Padahal kan banyak ada dekat google. Bahaha, gurau. Yelah, mana tau aku punya nampak lagi senang, kan? Ini pun sebenarnya ambik dari Facebook. (Sorry, tak ingat siapa nama dia) Well, ni la recipe dia:

Bahan inti:
 -> 1 labu bawang besar (potong dadu)
-> 5 ulas bawang putih (cincang-cincang juga) 
-> 1 biji tomato (potong dadu)
-> 1 tin tomato puree 
-> 1 tin cendawan butang (hiris nipis)
-> 1 paket daging/ayam cincang
-> 1 sudu kecil serbuk lada hitam
-> 1 sudu kecil oregano (choice: kalau taknak pun takpa)
-> 2 sudu besar cili sos
-> Sedikit daun ketumbar/daun sup (hiris)
-> 2 sudu besar butter/margerin/planta/garam

Cara inti:       
-> Panaskan butter dan tumis bawang besar, bawang putih sampai wangi
-> Masukkan daging/ayam cincang tadi and gaul sebati
-> Masukkan tomato puree, sos cili, serbuk lada hitam, oregano & daun ketumbar/daun sup
-> Kacau bagi rata  
-> Masukkan tomato/cendawan butang & kacau lagi dan perasakan
-> Dah siap inti tu, ketepikan sekejap.        

Bahan potato
-> 10 biji kentang (kalau kecik la. Kalau besar, guna dalam 6 biji)
-> 3 sudu besar butter/margerin/planta
-> 1 sudu kecil lada sulah 
-> 1/4 cawan fresh milk/full cream
-> Sedikit garam/serbuk secukup rasa

-> Buang kulit kentang dan potong dadu besar besar
-> Rebus kentang sampai empuk
-> Dah empuk tu, toskan air & mash kentang tu
-> Mash sampai hancur, ala-ala nak buat mashed potato
-> Masukkan butter. lada sulah, garam & fresh milk
-> Kacau sebati & ketepi kan kejap (jangan lupa rasa sedap/tak!)

Cara nak layer:
-> Sediakan loyang/bekas aluminium foil
-> Lapiskan mash potato tadi (Jangan habiskan semua, guna setakat nak rasakan lapisan tu)
-> Letak semua inti tadi & ratakan 
-> Kemudian, lapiskan dengan lebihan mash motato atas inti tu & ratakan lagi
-> Ambik telur kuning dari sebiji telur tu & pukul sebati
-> Sapukan telur kuning tu atas lapisan mash potato & gariskan bentuk tikar(suka hati) guna garfu
-> Bakar dalam oven dengan suhu 180-200'C dalam 25-30 minit
-> Kira bila topping tu dah warna perang, bawak la keluar
-> Hidang. 

Selamat mencuba! 



  Pagi di taman yang tersedia di rumahku. Teh strawberry aku di sebelah kiri, buku-buku rujukanku di sebelah kanan. Apa lagi yang sedang aku fikirkan selain masa hadapanku? Aku sedang fikir tentang diri aku, diri sebagai perempuan. 
 Selalu, ramai berpendapat bahawa perempuan belajar tinggi-tinggi tapi tak reti masak. Apa gunanya? Yelah, belajar sampai ke PhD pun, ke dapur juga kau pergi. Bukan secara paksa. Maksud aku, mungkin lebih baik jika kita perempuan lebih mendalamkan ilmu di dapur. Tapi, jika ilmu di dapur pun kau sudah menguasainya lebih 50% dan kau mengamalkannya dalam kehidupan seharian kau untuk diri sendiri, suami dan anak, keluarga mahupun kawan, apa salahnya jika kau sambung belajar? 
   Ada juga berpendapat; perempuan belajar tinggi-tinggi tapi pengotor. Atau, perempuan kalau reti masak sekali pun, tapi kalau pengotor. Apa gunanya? Ni pun fakta yang tepat. Mungkin bagi kau, pengotor tu sebijik macam pemalas. Tidak. Perempuan kalau pemalas tak seteruk orang penagih dadah, mungkin boleh diterima lagi tapi kalau pemalas dan pengotor macam penagih dadah? Ada ke orang terima? Orang yang tak berilmu, mesti lah suka. 
  Pendapat aku senang. Perempuan tak sebijak dan tak secerdik, ada lagi hala tuju. Macam aku, aku bukan budak straight As. Aku kalau boleh dikatakan average. Tapi, sebenarnya, yang penting sekali, perempuan akan ke dapur juga. Malu lah masyarakat sekarang kalau lelaki sahaja yang ke dapur. Isterinya tidak. Tak salah kalau lelaki kita nak masak, tapi maksud aku, kalau perempuan tak tahu langsung pasal dapur pun susah juga. Sebenarnya, perempuan tak pernah masuk dapur tapi mengerti juga maksud, cara-cara, langkah-langkah dan satu dua resipi cukuplah setakat ala kadar atau setakat tahu 25% sahaja. Itu pun minimum. Yelah, daripada tak tahu langsung? Malu. 
  Point yang lain, rajin. Perempuan kalau pemalas biasa seperti baju yang dah kutip sampai satu dua bakul terbiar - tak terlipat lagi, boleh diterima. Sebab, mana tau lelaki kita memang jenis extra rajin? Bolehlah dia bertoleransi dengan perangai pemalas yang ada pada perempuan dia. Tapi bagi aku, aku kesian juga pada diri aku kalau aku pemalas. Mungkin pemalas setakat seperti baju yang dah basuh 20 minit yang lalu tak tersidai lagi, boleh diterima. Dan, kalau itu lah pemalas yang paling teruk, maka itu sebenarnya juga diri aku. Aku tak rasa aku jenis on time. 
  Tapi, kalau perangai perempuan malas seperti cadar katil pun malas pasang, malas ganti. Orang dulu-dulu berpendapat, itu lah pemalas yang paling teruk sekali. Sebab, katil itu kan salah satu barang peribadi kita. Kalau barang peribadi kita pun, kita tak terjaga, apa lagi barang-barang bukan peribadi? Fikirkan. 
  Point yang seterusnya, pembersih. Ha, ini mungkin 85% tertanam dalam diri aku. Aku memang pembersih. Paling kotor dalam diri aku pun, mungkin tak bersihkan badan selama sehari dua. He he. Cerita dulu, aku tak matang. Perempuan kan banyak barang-barang peribadi. Cerita pasal barang terjaga dan tak terjaga, itu bab lain. Yang penting sekali, bersih. Suasana peribadi kita mestilah sentiasa bersih. Terutama sekali, bilik tidur sendiri dan bilik air. 
  Ha, orang dulu-dulu kalau nak merisik, mereka lagi sengaja nak melawat bilik tidur perempuan dan bilik airnya. Dengan condition bilik tu dari semasa ke semasa, baru kita tahu jawapan sifat peribadi seorang perempuan. Malas atau rajin. Bersih atau kotor. Lagipun, bilik yang kemas dan bersih kan lagi menyenangkan daripada bilik yang kotor dan semak? Aku tak faham kenapa perempuan ada juga pengotor yang sampai bilik tidur sendiri macam penagih dadah. 
  Point yang terakhir buat masa ni, akhlak baik. Perempuan yang berilmu sentiasa beramal kepada Allah. Kalau itu dah perfect, akhlaknya pasti baik. Sifat perempuan yang baik dengan akhlak yang baik, kan sedap kita dengar. Tak guna juga kalau kita hanya jaga air muka kita. Nak jaga jerawat ke tak jerawat. Lepastu, kalau takda jerawat, nak ber-selfie memangjang. Kalau boleh dari subuh sampai maghrib nak selfie. Takkan kita nak selfie masa malam? Jarang. Sebab cahaya dah tak ada. Ha ha. Tak kisah la pasal muka berjerawat atau tidak, tapi kalau diri memang pengotor, akhlak tak baik, pemalas lagi. Apa lah guna jadi perempuan? Malu kita dekat suami. 
  Sekian, Assalamualaikum.

(Maaf kalau ada perkataan-perkataan di atas melukakan hati kalian. Ini hanya pendapat aku dan, maksud yang aku beri pun tak semestinya betul. Jadi, sama-sama lah kita maafkan ye. Dan kalau ini memberi kesedaran kepada kalian, sama-sama lah kita bermunasabah. Ampun.)


Nothing nice to say? Leave.

Some of you may think to; 
-> mock
-> quarrel 
-> criticize 
finds it your joke-of-the-day and make fun of the other party. 
But then again, please take note that you're actually in a way, testing one's patient limits too and at the end of the day, one might burst out and tears falling down. Why? Because, one is upset that they cannot be patient enough and that gave the answer that they think they're useless or hopeless. Why would someone do that? So, I guess if you have nothing nice to say to someone, you might as well just keep it to yourself. You don't know what others have been through. Well, unless if it's an opinion, then that is a different story. 
Alhamdulillah, for they are keeping strong in believing Allah and ready to face people like you. If not, they would make a choice to commit suicide. Who knows?