


Can I write about #bersih4 here?

Got you guys, I wouldn't write anything about politics. Not now. 

-> Clan Ahmad at Johnny Rockets, a little farewell for Fikri who's left Subang Jaya for Penang to work. 

This morning, we had our breakfast at a Kelantanese Restaurant, if I'm not mistaken la. Fikri and I planned not to eat rice for breakfast but we couldn't say no when we were there. There was A LOT of food, you couldn't make a brilliant choice! I'll tell you something, when you are in a Kelantan Restaurant, food is all around you man. Talking about food was many, the place was hell crowded too. We were 6, had to sit at a 4-seated-table but of course, we didn't mind because as long as we get to sit and eat, we are cool. 

Unfortunately, there was a man at his 50s had trouble to find his sit. He was alone. He had his Cucur Udang on his plate already, holding it and dragging it everywhere as he was looking for an empty sit. He wants to be seated for him to eat comfortably. I felt bad, as though I wanted to find a chair for him and give to him. Tak payah meja pun tak apa la because desperate moment kan. He was standing, walking around the restaurant for 5 minutes, I guess? Sampai kuah Cucur Udang tu tumpah tumpah. I wanted to stand up and call for the waiter to give him a sit. But as I wanted to do that, the waiter opened a new table for him. Sempit sikit la but it's the best he can do for him. What's amazing was when the man was so happy, he actually ate his food with a smile. Tu la orang yang bersyukur kan? 

Shout out to the restaurant for a very good service to their customers. They're friendly & loving and most of all, respectful. I love that! But just a little restaurant tip, when you enter a restaurant, best is to find a place to sit first and then only think about searching for food. If you accidentally become like the 50s uncle just now, then the solution is to pack your food at the counter and ciao. Don't ever think of throwing away your food when the reason is just because you don't have a sit. You still can eat your food, just not in the restaurant la.  

Later at 4PM, Fikri has packed his stuff and left Subang Jaya. He is leaving to Penang because his first day of working is on the 1st September. Bismillahirahmanirahim, a new chapter for him. A new environment and ambience for him. All the best to him and may He protects Fikri all the time. Indeed, may Fikri takes care of Allah so He takes care of Fikri too. InsyaAllah, we will visit him soon when he is stable over there which I think he already is. 

That's a surprised. Rasa macam he baru balik from the US but then he has to leave again for work. As for me, hmm I have to perform Isyak prayer as early as I can already. Because the man who usually wakes me up at 2AM - 3AM to pray, has left hahaha. I usually sleep and then later at 2AM, Fikri would wake me up because he knows I haven't pray. If I sleep anywhere else besides my room, it means I haven't pray. That's how I "send" him a message. Also, if I haven't put on my bedak sejuk, it is also a hidden "message" I sent to him. Since he has left, then I should pray as early as I can. Might as well before 10PM, LOL. 

Just received a message from Fikri. He has safely arrived! Alhamdulillah. 

Till then, these are the highlights for today! Besides whatever happened at Dataran Merdeka today, of course. Malaysians want their voices allowed to be heard, and did this because it's how the love for Malaysia works. #bersih4 


Another day at work

Today is just another day at work and of course, it was a normal day. Usually, Dad picked me up from work and then we'll be home in less than 2 minutes because I swear, my house is really near to where I'm working.

Oh! I'm a teacher now, a part time teacher. Where I'm at? Let's that be a secret! Because, I do know you know ;)

And then I have a habit where I'll lie down on the couch for maybe an hour after I got home. It depends, if I want to watch a movie, I'll be upstairs. If I want to be alone having my gadgets on my hands, I'll be downstairs. On the 3-seat-couch. Like right now, I'm lying down on the couch upstairs watching Lilo & Stitch.

Mom would ask what I had for my dinner. I usually had nothing, hehe but I said I had something just because I don't want Mom to worry about me. But I'm not lying! I had something light like biscuits or chocolate bars and just a drink. And then I'll continue teaching the kids. It's fun teaching them, you don't want to miss a second without them.

Praying is exceptional. We can't say we don't want to pray just because we want to teach. Because to lose something for the Almighty is better than to lose the Almighty for something hehe. Actually that phrase has got nothing to do with whatever I said.

Anyway, after I think I have done "relaxing on my couch", then only I take my shower and finally sleep. I think sleeping after you had your shower is just super amazing. I will be on my highest comfort hehe. And unfortunately, I failed at perform Isyak prayer before I sleep(sometimes only). So, I usually wake up or got waken up by Mama or Bangah to perform my Isyak prayer. I really put a note saying I haven't perform my Isyak so they'll wake me up before Subuh time. Haha

So that total up my night routine on my working days! I will of course try harder on being a better person. Wee!

Assalamualaikum, yang baik comes from Allah, yang buruk comes from myself. Forgive me.


A frog & a very dangerous animal you know

To think about it then, i'd be so surprised when somebody who knows me for over 6 years could leave me for someone he just met 6 days ago.

I held grudges. Fuh, time tu memang boleh tahu tahap kesabaran tak tinggi. Sebab dendam. Tengah marah lagi. Syaitan semua seronok dgn aku, astarghfirullah. Siap naik angin, cemburu etc. Pastu, dia pun marah balik nak protect that 6-days-person he just met.

After a week of that specific drama, I let it go. Because i remind myself, 6 or 10 years of friendship but if only them who mock your journey to your dreams won't worth your time. We've finished our high school and i believe that we build our own journey of future/life by ourselves. And if there is someone who gives negative vibes or don't support us, then we shall throw them in a bin. Because I guarantee that there are many more humans who give you positive vibes as well as support. And of course, your family takes part too.

I held him still because I thought I was strong enough to make him from wrong to right but, he was stronger. So he won & I lost. He gave up on listening but I didn't give up on helping.

I have never thought I'd wasted my time getting to know a person. It is nice to know someone either they are bad or good. And I also don't think a person is a bad person. It's a matter of choice to pick them into your life or throw away from your life. And we mention people who we throw away from our lives as bad people.

As months passes by, I met him again. I thought I would see hate in him but Alhamdulillah, nope. It was a moment where I said, "Aku kenal dia ni tapi aku macam tak tahu nak cakap apa dengan dia" So, aku buat bodoh. I literally said to myself "I managed to walk again after what had happened between us"

Like really, you thought you'd as though couldn't live because he was a part of you for years but hey you lived! You felt so glad that it was only for a moment you'd get mad. And after that, no more. You don't even feel or think you care or bother. You'd only feel proud for you have gone through something painful. And then it's like you are trying to get to know a new person now.

You wonder why would you be mad last time. You wonder if it was you last time. You had so many things in mind because you confused yourself!

Though we know and understand 6 years or 6 days or even 6 hours, ni semua takdir Tuhan. Jodoh semua dekat tangan Tuhan. And yes, it was really painful, after all. You would want to wish you'll never feel that pain anymore. But it was a lesson. A pain gains your lesson. And a pain teaches you something.

The next thing you know, you are confused to say Hi again or just walk. Because, I am paranoid. Like a frog who gets bitten by a very dangerous animal, that frog would be afraid of getting to know that animal again.

But I guess, that silly. We control our emotions not emotions control us. So I think a Hi conversation to being friends are perfectly fine :-)

In the end, it was just a story. But where and when must we begin again?

Till we meet again, mate. My prayers are always with you.


There are many more shapes than a square

What shapes do we know, exactly? Many, just many. Also, we've been taught on how to think inside a box which is in a square shape. And when you were in Form 1, the next thing you know is "Next year I'll be in my Form 2". You'll be saying that porbably until you're in Form 5.

And then, what do you ask when you're in Form 5? You can't be saying "I'll be in college". Not everyone is able to pay for the fees, the books etc. You need to plan and planning does its job to know your tomorrow's achievement.

As I grow up, I see and get to understand alot of people. I see how they think not only in a square but also in a circle, hexagon, triangle and other shapes. And what inspired me the most was when each of us has our own problems. It's nice to share our problems and feel the warmth when they lent their hands. But I believe, when you have your own problem, you will know how to solve it. You'd find a way to solve it and then, you plan your progress on solving your problem. And I believe that when you have seen the solution, you could solve it yourself. Unless of course if you needed a hand, then just ask for a help! Never ask them to think for your problem and think for it's solution.

People would give some examples and opinions but that doesn't mean you have to follow them. You make your own choice and it is okay if you don't follow them. They wont be with you until you die. You made a choice, you made a mistake choosing that, you regret. That's a part of life, we all have to deal with it. And when I say deal, I really mean it. Because when you regret, you will cry. And crying over the limit won't change a thing. Take a full energy to think on how to resolve again and say 'I may regret but I have learned and I solved it and now I am happy"

Like now, I write whatever comes out from my mind. I didn't filter anything. I'll get embarrassed if my grammar and vocab here gets very wrong till' you guys laugh at me. Also, I wouldn't know if you understand whatever I've said but I hope I did send a message or two.

I may regret whatever I did in my life but how I solve it, I just get to know more inspirational humans, more-experienced humans and am now managed to build my own castle. I've learned a lot of new things either they are negative or positive, but I did collect knowledge as well as gaining more experiences and confidence.

Thank you to the ones who have been a part of my after high school journey. If you are sincere on helping me then I am sincere being your company.

Watch me playing Ukulele at,

Till we meet again, xo.


Burung Merpati & Labah-labah


Zaman Nabi Muhammad dulu, Rasulullah SAW dilindung oleh Burung Merpati & Labah-labah yang membuat sarang di pintu gua sehingga meyakinkan  pemuda-pemuda Quraisy itu  bahawa tiada sesiapa yang berada di dalam gua itu. Sehingga terselamatlah Rasulullah SAW & sahabatnya Abu Bakar dari buruan pemuda-pemuda tersebut. 
Cerita saya pulak, ada seorang student ni bagi kertas yang dah siap lukis  gambar spider. Dia tinggal colourkan je. Bila dah siap, dengan yakin dia cakap "Cikgu simpan la kertas Spider ni. Dulu Spider lindung Nabi dari bahaya orang Quraisy kan. Sekarang harap harap Tuhan hantar orang ke benda baik untuk lindung cikgu dari apa apa benda buruk. Mana tahu spider pun protect cikgu."

The thing a 7 year old boy says. MashaAllah. Tersenyum. Rasa macam gaji sebulan tak dapat pun tak apa la, digantikan dengan reward macam ni. Syukur hehe