


Spongebob Headphone

  Ada satu hari tu, I went out to Mid Valley with my friends. My main motive was because to have some dessert at Magnum Cafe. It was the first Magnum Cafe in Malaysia and well, we Malaysians couldn't resist not to go.
  After having fun at the Cafe, kita sekawan sama sama tawaf satu Mid Valley. And then.... There's this machine-like-store caught our eyes. Dalam kedai tu pulak, ada Spongebob Headphone. Just like the photo given. Memang aku lari ke situ ler.
  Tapi since headphone tu lawa gila, harga dia pun lawa gila la. For an unemployed girl like me, memang mahal la kalau harga cenggitu. Nak mintak duit parents, memang salah la woi. Betul, time tu memang ada duit dalam purse. Tapi cukup cukup je. If I were to buy it that time, I won't have much money anymore. In conclusion, kumpul dulu. Actually, teragak-agak juga la nak kumpul pun sebab headphone Spongebob tu tinggal satu je. Kawanku, Haaziq dah tegur jangan beli. It was not worth it. Yet. Haha, so I made my mind not to buy it and be patient. Who knows, if I be patient and have faith, rezeki comes to me soon? - Balik tu, I told my parents about the headphone but Ididn't buy it since it was costy. I've never bought Spongebob stuff that's worth 80 packs of Nasi Lemak Canteen Sekolah. And it's true.
  Before balik kampung, I went to Mid Valley again with my clan. That time, I don't bring any of my money. Because, cuak duit dah kosong. Still, we went to that machine-like-store, and hey! The Spongebob Headphone is still there! I was at cloud 9 that I ran again to the headphone just to check it out again(?) Hehe
  Parents mana tak nak anak dorang happy kan. Haha, it was my luck and I'm really grateful for it. I can't believe my parents actually bought for me the headphone. Especially when it costs above RM50. Alhamdulillah, moga dimurahkan rezeki lagi. Hehe
  Lagi satu nak cerita. I was the one who paid for it at the cashier ok. So while the salesman checked for the price, sempat lagi he said to me "Tapi ni untuk budak budak je tau. Tapi takpa la akak pun serupa budak kecik je" Ai, paneh hati ceq. I just don't care, and won't care how old or how immature I am. Please don't judge. I'll change myself, soon. Kot :-(
  Anyways, that's just me proud to have a Spongebob Headphone. Kemon, sayang sampai mati weh benda alah tu since it means a lot to me. Hahaha ok bye.

{Using my phone to write on my blog. I don't see the reason why my phone doesn't let me attach image from my phone to blog. Sorry}

Apam Balik

  Yay! Today's activity would be much about strethen the ties between family. Big, big family. - Cousins, aunties, uncles that live far away from our home. And as we meet again, we would think of something to do an acitivty or two together. Just like homtown life. Kampung, it means to have fun and it is. It should be.
  So, this evening, my cousins and I learned to make Apam Balik. Our teacher was my mom & aunty. Apam Balik? No shxt, but just my favourite thing to swallow. Lagi-lagi kan bila jagung tu over gila. Weh, yummy gilerz. Hewhew.
  Bila pikiaq balik, tak dok la susoh mano buatnya. Wakaka, duk rasa dari dulu macam payah je buatnya. Bila tahu cagho, hampeh. Rasa nak buat juta-juta apam balik sehari tu jugak. Hahaha, cewah. Yela, expectation selalu tinggi dari reality. Ye dok? Tuing tuing.
  Apam Balik was my favourite then and is still now! How can you guys not love apam balik. Tapi, jangan makan selalu ar. Makan selalu, confirm confirm jemu. Bila jemu - interest pun kureng. Trust me. Because beginning of last year, I loved this peanut. Not sure what it's called but pretty sure it has a C-shaped and also, people loved to cook soup with it. Kot la, I'm not a chef after all.
   Ok, tu je nak tulis before heading to bed. Goodnight!



Assalamualaikum kepada yang membaca. Hopefully you guys are doing fine.

  Here, I'm spending the rest of the holidays in my hometown, Kedah before the year of 2015 begins. It's pretty a rare thing because we usualy spend our holidays going places, visiting historical places or take a tour to places like museum, zoo. You name it! But just, not this year. Why? Just, because. Or maybe, Big Brother isn't here in Malaysia and we wouldn't go for a holiday if we are not complete 6. Hometown is exceptional. After all, there's never a stop sign for someone to go back to his hometown. Right? Teehee.

  I might want to say I'm bored for I don't spend my holidays after SPM, travelling. Some have their days finding a job, some travel and some just stay at home learning about life through movies. Is there such thing? - But then again, I kind of want to say I'm grateful for it. Read the news!? Flooded most of the places near Pantai Timur. What is sad was, the flood for this year is the worst out of the worst. Terrible, indeed. I'm not going to exaggerate because I've never experience myself into that specific natural disaster. Although I want to experience myself and make a story of my life, I just still hope and wish I don't. I love many people and I don't like to see them suffer. One of them is you.

  Many stories from so many sources. The fake ones are more than the truth. There's a plaace where my friend is staying. Flood, was the truth. It wasn't high as we see on TV3 News. Media said it was a man-waist high but the truth is, it was just about a man-ankle high. Well, maybe I'm wrong and my friend was lying. We wouldn't know but I just hope we believe onto the right things.

Question. Why is there such people tell something isn't true. And, doesn't make a sense at all. It's not wrong if you are a joker and you joke all the way but it'll never be a joke when a story has got to do with millions of living hearts. Especially, to those who live far apart. I, gave up on whom should I trust. I just can't but I know I'd only pray for the best and the rest, let Allah handles as He handles everything from the start. So, we don't have to bother when we have Doa as our weapon. But of course, we are humans and we unite together. We too, shouldn't be heartless. We must take care of each other. That's the best!

  In the end, I wish everyone to have a memorable yet great holidays and good time spending with your loved ones. Remember, protect your loved ones and never let them go. Also, take care of your health. Till next time, bye bye.

Air banjir surut? Alhamdulillah.

An experience

  I dislike cars but I do admire a few. I dislike driving but I do want to at least learn how to drive even though I don't own any cars. I think that cars are so confusing, especially about the engines or oil/gas or tyres or even the batteries.
  Today during lunch time, Haaziq drove me and Arif Ayub to Sunway. We planned to gather together with Haaziq's friends as he is leaving to UK tomorrow morning. Normal outing-with-friends-days, we had lunch as soon as we arrived and then we played bowling! Bowling is just one of Haaziq's favourite thing though.
  At the end of the day, Haaziq and I took a 11 seconds video just because we wanted to take a video of ourselves. We took a couple of photos at the parking lot. Rooftop parking lots, that's why it was -nice- Isn't it?
  Unexpected, we thought we could go home when we got into Haaziq's car. But then, the car cannot be started. It has something got to do with a jumper start or jumper or whatever it's called. So, Haaziq was busy asking around if they have or they can provide a jumpstart (?) None. Not even anyone has one. Then, Arif & Acap helped Haaziq to push the car to the other side so it's easier for them to check on the engines or whatever it was. Luckily, 15 minutes later, with our non-stop prayers, a police came with a jumpstart and helped us. Of course, it took about 5 minutes but Alhamdulillah, what a relieved.
  Nothing to describe, really. It just an experienced. I had never face this car-kind-of problem but today I did. I don't want to say I'm proud to face it but I'm just glad I experienced something like today. Till then, bye!