


Apa Khabar?

Ui, Joe Flizzow menang malam ni? 

Call me loser, but baru dengar lagu Apa Khabar pagi ni dekat YouTube. Benci kot dengar lagu tu mula mula. It was simple and just annoying. Lepastu, kawan Twitter mintak faham Lirik lagu tu. Dalam degil, I was particularly forced to listen again.
And I did. Lepas dengar with the Lyrics on screen, I had nothing to say except to think about his friendship with Malique! I actually cried over the song in the end. Like, my eyes were watery. Hahaha. Honestly, I have no clue maksud tersirat lagu tu but I just thought of Malique. And that's just it. Maybe he has something else to show us but, we just don't know. 
And when Johan (Joe) performed Apa Khabar song on stage tadi, I was expecting Malique to come out of no where and make a surprise to Johan and then came the Reborn of Too Phat. But sadly, ini semua hanya andaian. I don't think Malique is in the country too! I heard he went somewhere. And, he is married now, right?!
Any how, Congrats Joe Flizzow and SonaOne! I absolutely think Joe Flizzow is just as Justin Timberlake. Keep it up! 



  It has been a week since the First Day of 2015. Alhamdulillah, there's quite a number of Highlights happened in just a week. Like, Firas's Orientation Day since he is Form 1 this year, IC Registration - I've misplaced my IC, me interview for a part-time job - First time weh, kemon wahaha. And quality time with both family and friends. Many more, haha.
  So, on Monday, I visited the place I'm working now for interview. Time tu tak kerja lagi la. Coincidence, the manager over there is my junior's mother and also my mom's old friend! Apa lagi? Cun la bila interview. Even the manager said, "I don't need to interview you so much because I know you"
  Rezeki, rezeki. Syukur, syukur. Bincang, bincang semua, dapat terus kerja. The manager asked me to work esok tu jugak. Which means, on Tuesday, I went to work for my first time. My work is mostly easy, tanda kertas, record on students' record book and teach students under 8 years old. Penipu la kalau susah. And I only work on Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday. Easier for me, I can still join cooking class on Wednesday or Weekend. I think I will either bake/cook everyday without doubt I have to go to work. I mean, work is at 3PM. I still have loads of time after 530 AM! Hah, easy peasy!
  To think of it again, this is really what I wanted to be. A pre-school teacher. That's clearly said when I said I wanted to take Early Childhood Education for my College course, heh. I told my manager about Early Childhood Education and she's willing to help me with anything provided for me to experience something that has got to do with my future course. I now following her like a permanent worker instead of just part-time worker. Thank you.
  My first day at work was just fine. Nervous and still confused on what should I do. They say it's normal for a first-time-worker but still, I wouldn't want to make myself look stupid. I am not stupid, really. I'm just slow, and things will be going smoothly once I'm used to it. Wait for that time!
  - Quiet and speechless I was for the first 4 hours. I did my work quietly, and I gave my best of course. After 7PM, I met my students. Funny!! I taught them Maths and English. I taught them using Flash Cards. Damn, Flash Cards are cool. I thought it was, lame... Anyway, 2 of my students, cute but noisy. They talk so/too much. Ye la, 4 and 7 years old kids right, mana tak bising? Sampai kena marah dengan another teacher, lol.
  I would call my first day as, something new to experience. Aii, today's Wednesday and it's a day off. So, I baked Red Bean Bun and Sausage Bun this evening and planning to bring some to work tomorrow and FORCE them to have a bite hahaha. I am planning to work there until maybe, July or September :) Wish me luck! Am off to bed, got to charge my life energy!