


There are many more shapes than a square

What shapes do we know, exactly? Many, just many. Also, we've been taught on how to think inside a box which is in a square shape. And when you were in Form 1, the next thing you know is "Next year I'll be in my Form 2". You'll be saying that porbably until you're in Form 5.

And then, what do you ask when you're in Form 5? You can't be saying "I'll be in college". Not everyone is able to pay for the fees, the books etc. You need to plan and planning does its job to know your tomorrow's achievement.

As I grow up, I see and get to understand alot of people. I see how they think not only in a square but also in a circle, hexagon, triangle and other shapes. And what inspired me the most was when each of us has our own problems. It's nice to share our problems and feel the warmth when they lent their hands. But I believe, when you have your own problem, you will know how to solve it. You'd find a way to solve it and then, you plan your progress on solving your problem. And I believe that when you have seen the solution, you could solve it yourself. Unless of course if you needed a hand, then just ask for a help! Never ask them to think for your problem and think for it's solution.

People would give some examples and opinions but that doesn't mean you have to follow them. You make your own choice and it is okay if you don't follow them. They wont be with you until you die. You made a choice, you made a mistake choosing that, you regret. That's a part of life, we all have to deal with it. And when I say deal, I really mean it. Because when you regret, you will cry. And crying over the limit won't change a thing. Take a full energy to think on how to resolve again and say 'I may regret but I have learned and I solved it and now I am happy"

Like now, I write whatever comes out from my mind. I didn't filter anything. I'll get embarrassed if my grammar and vocab here gets very wrong till' you guys laugh at me. Also, I wouldn't know if you understand whatever I've said but I hope I did send a message or two.

I may regret whatever I did in my life but how I solve it, I just get to know more inspirational humans, more-experienced humans and am now managed to build my own castle. I've learned a lot of new things either they are negative or positive, but I did collect knowledge as well as gaining more experiences and confidence.

Thank you to the ones who have been a part of my after high school journey. If you are sincere on helping me then I am sincere being your company.

Watch me playing Ukulele at,

Till we meet again, xo.

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