



Assalamualaikum kepada yang membaca. Hopefully you guys are doing fine.

  Here, I'm spending the rest of the holidays in my hometown, Kedah before the year of 2015 begins. It's pretty a rare thing because we usualy spend our holidays going places, visiting historical places or take a tour to places like museum, zoo. You name it! But just, not this year. Why? Just, because. Or maybe, Big Brother isn't here in Malaysia and we wouldn't go for a holiday if we are not complete 6. Hometown is exceptional. After all, there's never a stop sign for someone to go back to his hometown. Right? Teehee.

  I might want to say I'm bored for I don't spend my holidays after SPM, travelling. Some have their days finding a job, some travel and some just stay at home learning about life through movies. Is there such thing? - But then again, I kind of want to say I'm grateful for it. Read the news!? Flooded most of the places near Pantai Timur. What is sad was, the flood for this year is the worst out of the worst. Terrible, indeed. I'm not going to exaggerate because I've never experience myself into that specific natural disaster. Although I want to experience myself and make a story of my life, I just still hope and wish I don't. I love many people and I don't like to see them suffer. One of them is you.

  Many stories from so many sources. The fake ones are more than the truth. There's a plaace where my friend is staying. Flood, was the truth. It wasn't high as we see on TV3 News. Media said it was a man-waist high but the truth is, it was just about a man-ankle high. Well, maybe I'm wrong and my friend was lying. We wouldn't know but I just hope we believe onto the right things.

Question. Why is there such people tell something isn't true. And, doesn't make a sense at all. It's not wrong if you are a joker and you joke all the way but it'll never be a joke when a story has got to do with millions of living hearts. Especially, to those who live far apart. I, gave up on whom should I trust. I just can't but I know I'd only pray for the best and the rest, let Allah handles as He handles everything from the start. So, we don't have to bother when we have Doa as our weapon. But of course, we are humans and we unite together. We too, shouldn't be heartless. We must take care of each other. That's the best!

  In the end, I wish everyone to have a memorable yet great holidays and good time spending with your loved ones. Remember, protect your loved ones and never let them go. Also, take care of your health. Till next time, bye bye.

Air banjir surut? Alhamdulillah.

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