


Khabar dia.

I supposed semua orang ada a friend we lost contact tapi at times, we do think of them.  Sometimes, kita even risau whereabouts dia or, our mood swings bila tak jumpa muka dia. Dari jauh pun takpe asalkan nampak. Betul tak?

One night, I had a dream of my friend that I lost contact for almost a year. Tapi tahu la cerita hidup dia cuma we don't talk and what not. I dreamt dia almost dying. Sebab badan dia over heat and short of breath sampai berpeluh peluh. I woke up from the dream at 4AM, had myself worried and wondered what exactly happened to this fellow. I wanted to text one of family members dia tapi takkan nak kacau diorang time tu. In the end, I put my cutie Spongebob's headphone on and listen to Just A Dream by Nelly on repeat, kuat kuat trying not to worry anything. Dapat je tidur balik sebenarnya.

The next  day, I asked a couple of my friends. Saja nak tahu update/khabar this fellow sampai termimpi sakit bagai. Unfortunately, semua tak tahu. None. Maybe sebab dia tak duduk Subang so no one knows khabar dia. Desperately, I managed to text the sister, asking "Dia sihat ke? Semalam mimpi dia tak sihat. Badan overheat, lelah sampai berpeluh-peluh. Terasa la risau sikit"  But my question didn't get the answer because the sister pun tak tahu. I gathered my emotions together and forced myself to believe that it was just a dream and these worrying-sickness feelings aren't real. I mean, I have the ability to control those feelings if I want to.

Today, (3 days after the dream), ada gang told me that  dia isn't feeling well till semalam (2 days after the dream), needed to check dekat hospital.  Terkejut la. I was like, SO THE DREAM WAS A MESSAGE?! The dream really frightened me a little bit but at least the dream told me khabar dia. I was told by the mother that dia demam panas. Syukur that cuma demam biasa but still! It could've been worse.

Bila fikir balik, we were good buddies. We had our bond tied together. Wished it won't break, we wished it's everlasting and stay gold forever. Today I think I can see that our bond is still alive. It had it's heart beating but it doesn't have a thing to survive. So it's a 50-50 condition.

Haha, take care little man.

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