


How are you feeling? Asks the invisible

Content tak ada kena mengena dengan yang tengah pengsan, yang tengah bernafas dan yang telah tinggalkan dunia ni.

Nak cerita tentang perasaan diri dan apa yang aku nampak. I realised that even if you have planning inside your mind sampai nak terkeluar dah otak, people don't see your good side. They'll get mad and judge only your bad side.

Let say you have manage your time on certain things and you have planned well a day before, and on the day itself, you do everything in order, as planned. Of course you don't share to people things you planned. It's for yourself.

And when people came, and they saw you didn't do well, they judge. Why? Because they only see the bad side. They don't see the good side hidden in you. Our heart broke into pieces, we got hurt because no one see our good side. But hey. Allah does.

If I were to do survey, I am sure out of 50 people, 49 of them would say that they'll either protest or stop talking or cry when people broke their heart. We are humans and humans would cry if their hearts are broken. If you don't, then you have healed your pain or you just don't care when people hurt you.

We got sad when people we thought they'd understand us don't understand us. We got mad. But what can we do? What can they do? Some people even wish for us not to be born. But trust my words, we all never wish for something like this happen. Life goes on. Yang dah terlepas tu dah terlambat.

I thank Allah and I appreciate Him for having to see both of my side. And it is Him to judge. To know people got mad when they see my bad side, I wonder if they ask themselves "Will anyone got mad when they see my bad side?" Humans are never perfect. I like to get to know an imperfect person perfectly. Because I am just so tired to live to please anyone of you. I'm sorry I have let you down when I don't do things you asked me to. Please stop hoping so much from me, it is killing me. For once, ask me "How are you feeling?"

I warn you people who reads this. Never play a silly joke on me because I am so emotional knowing my SPM result is coming in less than 4 days. Because not everyone only sees your bad side though. Haha bye

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